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ASP Hosting Review - Netriplex.com

We moved to Netriplex.com in November 2004, and the setup was really pretty quick and easy. I use them for my "big server" - i.e. for BellaOnline which gets 20 million pageviews a month. At one point I had to split to 2 dedicated servers, one to hold the forums and mail software alone. They handled all of that very quickly and easily. They are VERY prompt and proactively monitor the servers for me. If they go down, they are rebooted quickly without any action at all on my part. They are quick to upgrade hardware when I ask for it and to help troubleshoot problems.

Netriplex then sold us over to Immedion. That's where the issues began.

Immedion was much more a "big company" that, while able to take care of technical needs, wasn't that attentive to working with customers individually. My servers began crashing and their solution was to push more expensive solutions on me. I had to keep buying upgrades in order to stay current with what they supported.

Finally in October 2014 (so just about ten years) they decided to stop supporting dedicated servers. They wanted to force me into cloud servers at a much higher rate. I just couldn't do it. And then BOTH of my servers crashed fairly catastrophically, so I moved off to another hosting facility - MyHosting.com.

ASP Hosting Company Reviews